
Questions, answers, life, fun, friends and love!

joi, 17 iunie 2010

Cand doi viseaza la fel...

Sarut.Un sarut grabit i-a dat,a privit-o...dar parca nu era privirea lui care obisnuia sa fie si atunci s-a simtit vulnerabila...vulneabilitate idioata!...si incertitudine imbecila!...Ea a plecat.O liniste profunda auzea ea si totul parca era un mix,nimic clar,doar confuz.Taximetristul izgonea repede printre masini,iar ea cu coada ochiului,si printre ale ei ganduri care intotdeauna duc la el,ii vedea pe cei din masinile alaturate.Bucuresti ora 03:00 AM.Si ai fi zis ca-i zi,doar ca nu era asa multa lumina,insa lume exorbitant de multa,bulevard aglomerat,plin de masini care se intreceau aiurea pe drumul parca putin mai linistit de infierbinteala zilei ce trecuse.Haos!Auzea in surdina radioul insa nu-si poate aduce aminte ce melodie rula...hmm...era o melodie despre..el..aaa nuu!!!asta e melodia din capul ei.Frica.Asta simtea atunci pentru ca nu vroia sa fie ultima data cand stia ca are sa fie langa ea,caci a doua zi el pleca..iar ea a ramas aici sa incerce sa faca cumva sa fie totul bine pe viitor.Dar se simte ca un chior!Caci nu stie cum sa faca si simte o incertitudine in aer care te acapareaza si iti taie toata vlaga.Oare?De patru zile are in cap imaginea aceea cand i-a spus ''Pa'',pana si expresia fetei lui,iar privirea lui...a lui privire care ii spunea ca nu vrea sa plece sau ca vrea sa vina cu el...dar a trebuit sa ramana,aici.Si de patru zile ii simte lipsa cum nu credea ca are s-o faca...she miss his lips,his smile,the one that always makes her high,she miss his touch,his laught...ii e dor de gropitza lui atunci cand zambeste si o priveste lung si parca o soarbe din priviri,ii lipseste mirosul lui,simte nevoia sa o ia in brate cum numai el stie sa o faca si sa o sarute gentil pe nas si apoi pe frunte,pur si simplu ii e dor de el cu tot ceea ce el face.
Cateodata stau si ma intreb de ce vrem sa fugim de lucrurile care ne fac sa zambim?Damn...It's a issue of trust.But she trust him cus she belives that in their relationship it's no one loves more then the other,they both love equially.She found out in him what she through it's unfindable,not what she wanted,what she always dreamed off.The one that call her at night and says: ''I'll be there for you tommorrow'',the one that knows if she feels good or bad by the momment she pick up the phone and says ''Yes''.He always was there for her at the goods or at the bads,when she slept or when she cried,when she smiled or when she was angry.She found the one that if she calls and tell him to be there at a specified hour he will,no matter what.For the first time she discoverd she can have a real good time not only with her friends,she had fun with him too,she laught with him,run with him,make jokes with him,they had foolish time spend together,being dizzy together...and they have so many dreams to acomplish together so it's seems like frekin' unbelivable that for everyday which past they make new ones...
Cus she found out in him not only a lover,she found out a friend,a brother,a mather,a father....she found out everything...and for that from four days she misses him so much but she knows that the hoping feelin he gives her will never stop to breath and they forever be together....cus she misses him sain' to her:''I love you enormously!''....

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